Course Outline:
4/02: Course Introduction
4/16: Biased Competition
Effector Choice
4/30: Accumulators
5/07: Models
5/14: Action Value
5/21: Lateral Intraparietal Cortex (LIP)
5/28: Orbitofrontal Cortex (OFC) and Amygdala
6/04: Frontal Lobe
Class Format:
Each class will begin with a brief introductory lecture on the topic for that day, presenting key concepts about that week's topic. Next, students will present the article assigned to them (20 minutes for each presentation). Each paper also has 2 designated questioners, who raise discussion topics for that paper. Questioners should address ~2 questions to the presenter and ~1-2 more open discussion questions to the class. The papers selected will try to represent key debates about the functional organization of various decision-making processes.
Participation Requirements:
Each student must present two papers and serve as a designated questioner (minimum 3 questions) for four papers. Discussion from all students is encouraged. Course grade will reflect 60% presentation quality and 40% discussion participation.
A maximum of two classes are allowed to be missed if there are scheduling conflicts, however the student must submit (electronically by the day and time of the class to be missed) a synopsis of the papers to be discussed showing understanding and insight into the topic (1-3 pages). If more than two classes are missed or synopses are not turned in on time, there will be direct deductions from the course grade. Exceptions for special circumstances can be arranged with the course instructor in a case by case manner.