Tuesdays/Thursdays, 13:00-13:55
BBB 333
A general survey of the structure and function of the cerebral cortex. Topics include cortical anatomy, functional localization, and newer computational approaches to understanding cortical processing operations. Motor cortex, sensory cortex (visual, auditory, and somatosensory cortex), association cortex, and limbic cortex. Emphasis is on using animal models to understand human cortical function and includes correlations between animal studies and human neuropsychological and functional imaging literature. Instructor: Andersen.
Students will present papers during the class (2 per class, about 2 papers per student over the course of the term). In addition, two students per paper will be assigned as "discussants". Discussants will prepare questions for the paper presenter, to help the group get to the core issues of each paper.
Date |
Topic / Papers |
Presenter (Discussants) |
01/05/2017 | Class Orientation | N/A |
Cortical Column |
01/10/2017 | Mountcastle VB. "Modality and topographic properties of single neurons of cat's somatic sensory cortex". J Neurophysiol. 1957;20:408-34. | HyeongChan (Mason, Koichiro) |
Hubel DH, Wiesel TN. "Receptive fields, binocular interaction and functional architecture in the cat's visual cortex". J Physiol. 1962;160:106-54. | Carey (Mary, Stephanie) |
Visual Cortex: V1 |
01/12/2017 | Poggio GF, Fischer B. "Binocular interaction and depth sensitivity in striate and prestriate cortex of behaving rhesus monkey". J Neurophysiol. 1977;40(6):1392-405. PubMed PMID: 411898. | Nikhita (Alysha, Olivia) |
Ts'o DY, Gilbert CD, Wiesel TN. "Relationships between horizontal interactions and functional architecture in cat striate cortex as revealed by cross-correlation analysis". J Neurosci. 1986;6(4):1160-70. PubMed PMID: 3701413. | Luke (Paul, Mary) |
Visual Cortex: motion |
01/17/2017 | Albright TD, Desimone R, Gross CG. "Columnar organization of directionally selective cells in visual area MT of the macaque". J Neurophysiol. 1984;51(1):16-31. PubMed PMID: 6693933. | Mason (Alysha, Nikhita) |
Salzman CD, Britten KH, Newsome WT. "Cortical microstimulation influences perceptual judgments of motion direction". Nature 1990;346: 174-177. | Olivia (Stephanie, Koichiro) |
Visual Cortex: two streams |
01/19/2017 | Goodale MA, Milner AD. "Separate visual pathways for perception and action". Trends in Neuroscience. 1992;15:20-5. | Sofia (Olivia, Mason) |
Livingstone M, Hubel D. "Segregation of form, color, movement, and depth: anatomy, physiology, and perception". Science. 1988;240(4853):740-9. PubMed PMID: 3283936. | Dongil (Mary, Koichiro) |
Visual Cortex: faces |
01/24/2017 | Desimone R, Albright TD, Gross CG, Bruce C. "Stimulus-selective properties of inferior temporal neurons in the macaque". J Neurosci. 1984;4(8):2051-62. PubMed PMID: 6470767. | Spencer (Alysha, Paul) |
Tsao DY, Freiwald WA, Tootell RBH et al. "A cortical region consisting entirely of face-selective cells". 2006 Science 311:670-674. | Mary (Nikhita, Olivia) |
Somatosensory Cortex |
01/26/2017 | Kaas JH, Nelson RJ, Sur M et al. "Multiple represntations of the body within the primary somatosensory cortex of primates". Science 1979. 204: 521-523. | Stephanie (Nikhita, Mason) |
Romo R, Hernandez A, Zainos A, and Salinas E. "Somatosensory discrimination based on cortical microstimulation". Nature. 1998;392:387-90. | Michelle (Alysha, Mary) |
Auditory Cortex |
01/31/2017 | Merzenich MM, Knight PL, Roth GL. "Representation of cochlea within primary auditory cortex in the cat". J. Neurophysiol. 1975, 38:321-49. | HyeongChan (Paul, Nikhita) |
Mesgarani N, Cheung C, Johnson K et al. "Phonetic feature encoding in human superior temporal gyrus". Science. 2014, 343:1006-1010. | Alysha (Mason, Stephanie) |
Motor Cortex |
02/02/2017 | Georgopoulos AP, Schwartz A, Kettner RE. "Neuronal population coding of movement direction". Science. 1986;233:1416-9. | Koichiro (Mason, Alysha) |
Graziano MSA, Taylor CSR and Moore T. "Complex movements evoked by microstimulation of precentral cortex". Neuron 2002 34:841-851. | Spencer (Olivia, Mary) |
Eye Movement Cortex |
02/07/2017 | Bruce CJ, Goldberg ME. "Primate frontal eye fields: I. single neurons discharging before saccades". Journal of Neurophysiology. 1985;53:603-35. | Matiar (Nikhita, Paul) |
Katz LN, Ates JLY, Pillow JW et al. "Dissociated functional significance of decision-related activity in the primate dorsal stream". Nature 2016 535:285. | Dongil (Stephanie, Koichiro) |
Motor Cortex: learning |
02/09/2017 | Fetz EE. "Operant conditioning of cortical unit activity". Science. 1969;163. | Olivia (Mary, Koichiro) |
Sadtler P, Quick K, Golub M, Chase S, Ryu S, Tyler-Kabara E, Yu B, Batista A. "Neural constraints on learning". Nature. 2014;512(7515):423-6. | Sofia (Mason, Paul) |
Sensorimotor Cortex |
02/14/2017 | di Pellegrino G, Fadiga L, Fogassi L, Gallese V, Rizzolatti G. "Understanding motor events: a neurophysiological study". Exp Brain Res. 1992;91(1):176-80. | Luke (Mary, Nikhita) |
Rigotti M, Bartak O, Warden MR, Wang XJ, Daw ND, Miller EK, and Fusi, S. "The importance of mixed selectivity in complex cognitive tasks". Nature. 2013;386:585-90. | Paul (Koichiro, Mason) |
Attention and Intention |
02/16/2017 | Moran J and Desimone R. "Selective attention gates visual processing in the extrastriate cortex". Science 1985. 229: 782-784. | Stephanie (Koichiro, Paul) |
Snyder LH, Batista AP, Andersen RA. "Coding of intention in the posterior parietal cortex". Nature. 1997;386(6621):167-70. Epub 1997/03/13. doi: 10.1038/386167a0. PubMed PMID: 9062187. | Vasileios (Olivia, Mason) |
Theory |
02/21/2017 | Gray CM, Konig P, Engel AK, Singer W. "Oscillatory Responses in Cat Visual-Cortex Exhibit Inter-Columnar Synchronization which Reflects Global Stimulus Properties". Nature. 1989;338(6213):334-7. | Mason (Olivia, Stephanie) |
Zipser D, Andersen RA. "A back-propagation programmed network that simulates response properties of a subset of posterior parietal neurons". Nature. 1988;331:6 | Matiar (Nikhita, Paul) |
Neuroprosthetics I |
02/23/2017 | Hochberg LR, Serruya MD, Friehs GM, Mukand JA, Saleh M, Caplan AH, Branner A, Chen D, Penn RD, Donoghue JP. "Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia". Nature. 2006;442:164-71. | Mary (Koichiro, Stephanie) |
Aflalo T, Kellis S, Klaes C, Lee B, Shi Y, Pejsa K, Shanfield K, Hayes-Jackson S, Aisen M, Heck C, Liu C, Andersen RA. "Decoding motor imagery from the posterior parietal cortex of a tetraplegic human". Science. 2015;348:906-10. | Tyson (Nikhita, Alysha) |
Neuroprosthetics II |
02/28/2017 | Flesher SN et al. "Intracortical microstimulation of human somatosensory cortex". Science Trans. Med. 2016. | Michelle (Alysha, Olivia) |
Capogrosso M et al. "A brain-spine interface alleviating gait deficits after spinal cord injury in primates". Nature 2016, 539:284-288. | Koichiro (Paul, Mason) |
Neglect |
03/02/2017 | Balint R. "Seelenlahmung des "Schauens," optische Ataxie, raumliche Storung der Aufmerksamkeit". Monatsschr Psychiatr Neurol. 1909;25:51-81. | Vasileios (Stephanie, Olivia) |
Holmes G. "Disturbances of visual orientation". Br J Opthalmol. 1918;2:449-68. | Nikhita (Alysha, Mary) |
Awareness of Intent |
03/07/2017 | Libet B, Gleason CA, Wright EW, Pearl DK. "Time of conscious intention to act in relation to onset of cerebral-activity (readiness-potential)-the unconscious initiation of a freely voluntary act". Brain. 1983;106:623-42. | Tyson (Alysha, Nikhita) |
Sirigu A, Daprati C, Ciancia S, Giraux P, Nighoghossian N, Posada A, Haggard P. "Altered awareness of voluntary action after damage to the parietal cortex". Nature Neuroscience. 2004;7:80-4.(1) | Paul (Stephanie, Olivia) |
Multimodal Integration |
03/09/2017 | Haenny PE, Maunsell JH, Schiller PH. "State dependent activity in monkey visual cortex: II. Retinal and extraretinal factors in V4". Exp Brain Res. 1988;69(2):245-59. | Alysha (Paul, Stephanie) |
Raposo D, Kaufman MT, Churchland AK. "A category-free neural population supports evolving demands during decision-making". Nature Neuroscience. 2014;17(12):1784-92. | Carey (Mary, Koichiro) |