CNS/Bi 247 | Cerebral Cortex | Winter 2011

Course Description / Policies
Office Hours
Schedule / Assignments


Thursdays, 14:00-15:55
BBB 333

Course Description / Policies

A general survey of the structure and function of the cerebral cortex. Topics include cortical anatomy, functional localization, and newer computational approaches to understanding cortical processing operations. Motor cortex, sensory cortex (visual, auditory, and somatosensory cortex), association cortex, and limbic cortex. Emphasis is on using animal models to understand human cortical function and includes correlations between animal studies and human neuropsychological and functional imaging literature.

Students will present papers during the class (one per class.) In addition, two students per paper will be assigned as "discussants". Discussants will prepare questions for the paper presenter, to help the group get to the core issues of each paper.

Office Hours

Richard Andersen, by appointment
Boris Revechkis, by appointment BBB326, boris atSymbol

Schedule / Assignments


Topic / Papers


1/6/2011 Class Orientation N/A

Visual Cortex

Daniel: Hubel and Wiesel (1962) Receptive fields, binocular interaction and functional architecture in the cat's visual cortex. J Neurophysiol. 160: 106-154. Erin, Gal

Background Reading for Those Who are Interested:

Kandel , Schwartz and Jessell. Principals of Neuroscience. Chapters 17 and 27.

Mountcastle, V.B. (1957) Modality and topographic properties of single neurons in the cats somatosenory cortex. J. Neurophysiol. 20: 408-434.

Maunsell, J.H.R. and Van Essen, D.C. (1983) The connections of the middle temporal area (MT) and their relationship to a cortical hierarchy in macaque monkey. Journal of Neuroscience 3:2563-2585.

Hubel, D.H. and Livingstone, M.S. (1987) Segregation of form, color, and stereopsis in primate area 18. Journal of Neuroscience 7:3378-3415.

Livingstone, M.S., and Hubel, D.H. (1987) Psychophysical evidence for separate channels for the perception of form, color, movement, and depth. Journal of Neuroscience 7:3416-3468.

Selective Attention

Gal: Moran, J. and Desimone, R. (1985) Selective attention gates visual system processing in the extrastriate cortex. Science 229:782-784. Vu
Erin: Moore, T. and Armstrong, K.M. (2003) Selective gating of visual signals by microstimulation of frontal cortex. Nature 421:370-373.  

Background Reading for Those Who are Interested:

Desimone, R. and Duncan, J. (1995) Neural mechanisms of selective visual-attention. Ann. Rev. Neurosci. 18: 193-222.

Posner, M.I. (1980) Orienting of attention. Quarterly J. Exp. Psychology 32: 3-25.

Moore, T. and Armstrong, K.M. (2003) Selective gating of visual signals by microstimulation of frontal cortex. Nature 421:370-373.

Posterior Parietal Cortex

Erin: Mountcastle et al. (1975) Posterior parietal association cortex of monkey—command functions for operations within extrapersonal space. J. Neurophysiol. 38: 871-908. Dalia
Jenny: Robinson, D.L., Goldberg, M.E., and Stanton, G.B. (1978) Parietal association cortex in primate—sensory mechanisms and behavioral modulations. J. Neurophysiol. 41: 910-932

Background Reading for Those Who are Interested:

Snyder, L. H., Batista, A.P., and Andersen, R.A. (1997). "Coding of intention in the posterior parietal cortex." Nature 386: 167-170.

Gain Fields

Adam: Zipser, D., and Andersen, R.A. (1988). "A back propagation programmed network that simulates response properties of a subset of posterior parietal neurons." Nature 331: 679-684. Yong-Jun
Dalia: Salinas, E., and Their, P. (2000) Gain modulation: a major computational principle of the central nervous system. Neuron 27: 15-21.  

Background Reading for Those Who are Interested:

Andersen, R. A., Essick, G.K., and Siegel, R.M. (1985). "The encoding of spatial location by posterior parietal neurons." Science 230: 456-458.11: p. 95-109.

Pouget, A., Deneve, S., and Duhamel, J.R. (2002) A computational perspective on the neural basis of multisensory spatial representations. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 3: 741-747.

Perceptual Decision Making

Jenny: Shadlen, MN, and Newsome, WT (1996) Motion perception: seeing and deciding. PNAS 93:628-633. Gal
Vu: Yang, Tianming, and Shadlen, Michael (2007) Probabilistic reasoning by neurons. Nature 447: 1075-1080 .  

Background Reading for Those Who are Interested:

Newsome, W.T., Britten, K.H., and Movshon, J.A. (1989) Neuronal correlates of a perceptual decision. Nature 341 :52-54.

Platt, M.L., and Glimcher, P.W. Neural correlates of decision variables in parietal cortex. Nature 400:288-238.

Awareness of Intent

Yong-Jun: Libet, B., Gleason, C.A., Wright, E.W., Pearl, D.K., Time of conscious intention to act in relation to onset of cerebral-activity (readiness-potential)-the unconscious initiation of a freely voluntary act. Brain, 1983. 106: p. 623-642. Jenny
Adam: Desmurget, M., Reilly, K.T., Richard, N., Szathmari, A., Mottolese, C., Sirigu, A. Movement Intention After Parietal Cortex Stimulation in Humans. Science, 2009. 324: p. 811-813.  

Background Reading for Those Who are Interested:

Sirigu, A., Daprati, C., Ciancia, S., Giraux, P., Nighoghossian, N., Posada, A., Haggard, P., Altered awareness of voluntary action after damage to the parietal cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 2004. 7: p. 80-84.

Population Vectors and Motor Cortex

Vu: Georgopoulos, A.P., Schwartz, A.B., and Kettner, R.E. (1986) Neuronal population coding of movement direction. Science 233:1416-1419. Dan
Yong-Jun: Graziano MSA, Taylor CSR, and Moore, T (2002) Complex movements Evoked by Microstimulationof Precentral Cortex . Neuron 34:841-851  

Background Reading for Those Who are Interested:

Georgopoulos, A.P. et al. (1989) Mental rotation of the neural population vector. Science 243:234-236.

Kandel , Schwartz and Jessell. Principals of Neuroscience. Chapter 38.

Motor Cortex and Brain Machine Interfaces

Dalia: Hochberg, L.R. et al. (2006) Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia. Nature 442:164-171. Adam
Dan: Scherberger, H., Jarvis, M.R., and Andersen, R.A. (2005). "Cortical Local Field Potential Encodes Movement Intentions in the Posterior Parietal Cortex." Neuron. 46: 347-354.  

Background Reading for Those Who are Interested:

Carmena, J.M. et al. (2003) Learning to control a brain-machine interface for reaching and grasping by primates. PLoS Biology 1:193-208.

Taylor, D.M., Tillery, S.I.H., and Schwartz, A.B. (2002) Direct cortical control of 3D neuroprosthetic devices. Science 296:1829-1832.

Musallam, S., Corneil, B. D., Greger, B., Scherberger, H., and Andersen, R. A. (2004). "Cognitive Control Signals for Neural Prosthetics." Science. 305:5681:258-262.